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Welcome Back to School
Well like a lot of parents at this time of the year, I took my son back to school for his sophomore year at OKWU. I had to stop and think...
What our kids need from us today, and everyday going forward.
It seems like our kids are more connected than ever, at least to everyone but us, their parents. They are on Snapchat, Instagram,...
Why Bullies Win
You know why bullies win? Because the people they are bullying give them the power to win. Because they have a way of convincing others...
Coming to Terms with My Empty Nest
I recently took my only child to college and dropped him off five hours away from home. I would like to say that I handled it with class...
Change Your Thinking...
“Change your Thinking Change your Life” it’s a popular saying, books have been written about it, songs sung about it, and inspirational...
Worrying is a Habit
I signed up to be “coached” by Mel Robbins for 21 days a week ago. It’s really just a series of videos that are delivered to my email...
The Mean Things We Say to Ourselves
Have you ever been extremely gung ho about something in your life only to find that you are powerless to move forward to take action on...
Time, what we do with it.
Time, it’s a funny thing. When you’re doing something that you don’t want to be doing it stands still. When you are doing something fun...
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